
Beatle author Bruce Spizer seeking fan input for new Sgt. Pepper book

Beatle Books Core Collection: "The Beatles Forever"

"A is for Apple" Vol. 2 continues a deep history of the Beatles' record company

Interview: A Beatles scholar and his dad on the road

Interview: Author Robert Webb on his new book about John Lennon

New biography spotlights "Day in the Life" inspiration Tara Browne

Interview: Author Steve Turner discusses "Beatles '66"

See pics and read a chapter from Mark Lewisohn's new book about the Beatles' "A Hard Day's Night"

Review: "The Zapple Diaries: The Rise and Fall of the Last Beatles Label"

New book from Klaus Voormann covers creation of Beatles' Revolver cover

New book: I Was There - The Beatles Live

New book: "Happiness is Seeing the Beatles: Beatlemania in St. Louis"

Beatles biographer Hunter Davies teams with fellow scribes for "The Beatles Book"

George Harrison's "I, Me, Mine" coming in expanded version

Hello, Goodbye - New Genesis Publications book captures Beatles in Japan

Book review: Norman's "Life" of McCartney isn't definitive

New from Genesis Publications: "Songs By George Harrison" pocket edition