Beatles Bits: Weekly news roundup on April 22, 2016 Beatles Bits Paul McCartney Portland Oregon Rihanna Ringo Starr Rupert the Bear We All Stand Together +
Video: Rihanna, Kanye West & Paul McCartney performance "FourFiveSeconds" - Grammys Awards 2015 on February 09, 2015 Grammy Awards Kanye West Paul McCartney Rihanna Video +
New video: Paul with Rihanna and Kanye West "FortyFiveSeconds" on February 03, 2015 FortyFiveSeconds Kanye West Paul McCartney Rihanna Video +
Paul McCartney to join Kanye and Rihanna in Grammy's performance on February 03, 2015 Grammy Awards Kanye West News Paul McCartney Rihanna +
Another Kanye collaboration with Paul McCartney - also featuring Rihanna on January 25, 2015 FortyFiveSeconds Kanye West New Releases Paul McCartney Rihanna +