
Vintage Sheet Music for Mary Hopkin's 'Goodbye'

Vintage Beatles Pic: Paul with Apple Records Recording Artist Mary Hopkin

Vintage Mary Hopkin Promo Pics from the Beatles' Apple Records Label

Vintage Sheet Music Folio for Paul McCartney's 'Goodbye,' Recorded by Mary Hopkin

Vintage Mary Hopkins Apple Records Picture Sleeve: "Those Were the Days"

Vintage Apple Records picture sleeve: Mary Hopkin "Goodbye"

Vintage sheet music: "Temma Harbour," recorded by Mary Hopkin

Vintage sheet music: "Goodbye" recorded by Mary Hopkin

Vintage Mary Hopkin Apple Records picture sleeves

Mary Hopkin plays a gift guitar from George Harrison and talks "Yellow Submarine" and Apple Records on "Opportunity Knocks"

Mary Hopkin "Goodbye" color promo film featuring Paul McCartney

Clipping: Paul's comedy routine and Apple's seaside shows, 1968

Vintage Trident Studios ad congratulating the Beatles' Apple Records

Vintage Beatles pic: Paul with Mary Hopkin

Picture sleeve parade: Vintage Mary Hopkin singles on Apple Records

Vintage Apple Records Mary Hopkin single shipping box

Vintage pic: Paul and Mary

Video: Mary Hopkin sings "Goodbye" on Beat Club, 1969

Vintage Beatles mag: Paul McCartney and Mary Hopkin cover Bravo magazine, 1968

Vintage song folio for Lennon-McCartney's "Goodbye," as recorded by Mary Hopkin