
Vintage Ad for Beatles 'Yellow Submarine' Pop-Out Art Decorations

Vintage Beatles 'Yellow Submarine' Alarm Clock

Artifacts: Vintage John and Paul 'Yellow Submarine' Buttons

Beatle Stuff: 'Yellow Submarine' Shadow Box Set

Vintage Beatles 'Yellow Submarine' by Designer Heinz Edelmann

Vintage Beatles Pic: Ringo Battles a Blue Meanie 1968

Vintage Beatles Mag: Teenset 'Yellow Submarine' Special

Vintage Beatles 'Yellow Submarine' Teen Set Magazine

Vintage Beatles 'Yellow Submarine' Film Program - Japan

Artifact: Official Beatles 'Yellow Submarine' Promo Kit

Vintage Beatles Yellow Submarine Comic Book and Poster Ad

Vintage Beatles' Yellow Submarine "Stomp out Blue Meanies" button

Vintage Beatles Yellow Submarine Gift Book

Check out Hohner's Yellow Submarine harmonica

Artifacts: Beatles "Yellow Submarine" bubblegum cards

Vintage Beatles "Yellow Submarine" movie poster, Japan