
Video: John Lennon describes seeing a UFO over New York

50 years ago: Merv Griffin interviews John Lennon at the Cannes Film Festival

Two videos about John Lennon's artworks

The vocal stylings of John Lennon's dad, Freddie

John Lennon vinyl box out June 8 - video and details

John Lennon French TV interview, 1975

Video: Vintage newsreel footage of "How I Won the War" film starring John Lennon, 1967

Video: Interview with Maureen Cleave re: The Beatles being bigger than Jesus

Video: Pete Shotten talks the Beatles

Designer of John Lennon's psychedelic Rolls Royce builds replica

Review: John Lennon - The Collected Artwork

Jürgen Vollmer recounts taking cover shot for Lennon's Rock'n'Roll" album

Documents detailing breakdown of John Lennon's first marriage up for auction

Video: Psychedelic eye in swimming pool at John Lennon's Kenwood

Video: John Lennon interviews 1968

Video: John Lennon and Yoko Ono - 1968 Interview

Video: John Lennon - 1964 Interview During Australian Tour

New photo book spotlights John Lennon's "Double Fantasy" years

John Lennon's returned MBE medal found in royal storage

Neighbor to John Lennon's mom recalls hearing Beatles playing next door.