Paul McCartney single "Hope for the Future" now available for download in multiple mixes - pre-order for 12-inch vinyl on December 11, 2014 New Releases Paul McCartney +
New John Lennon prints released in conjunction with art exhibitions on December 10, 2014 John Lennon John Lennon artwork +
Video: Paul McCartney on the Jonathan Ross Show - complete appearance on December 09, 2014 Interviews Paul McCartney Video +
New video: Paul McCartney's Hope for the Future on December 08, 2014 Hope for the Future Paul McCartney Video +
Artifact: George Harrison memo regarding Hell's Angels visit to Apple Corps HQ on December 04, 2014 Apple Corps George Harrison Hell's Angels John Lennon Longest Cocktail Party Richard DiLello +
McCartney "Hope for the Future" 12-inch vinyl single available for pre-order on December 04, 2014 New Releases Paul McCartney +
Book review: The Making of John Lennon - The Untold Story of the Rise and Fall of the Beatles on December 03, 2014 Aunt Mimi Books John Lennon Reviews +