The official George Harrison Twitter feed just posted this memo George sent Apple Corps staff, giving them a head's up about an impending visit by U.S. Hell's Angels Apple Corps headquarters in London.
The Angels didn't take control of Savile Row, but did raise a ruckus at Apple, showing up during the staff Christmas party and becoming loud and violent when they learned the turkey wasn't ready.
Former Apple staffer Richard DiLello recounts the entire episode, including Angel Frisco Pete's confrontation with a dressed-as-Father Christmas John Lennon, in his must-read memoir "The Longest Cocktail Party," which is out in a new edition.
Here's a pic of John, Yoko as Mrs. Claus, and Apple artist Mary Hopkin from party.
The Angels didn't take control of Savile Row, but did raise a ruckus at Apple, showing up during the staff Christmas party and becoming loud and violent when they learned the turkey wasn't ready.
Former Apple staffer Richard DiLello recounts the entire episode, including Angel Frisco Pete's confrontation with a dressed-as-Father Christmas John Lennon, in his must-read memoir "The Longest Cocktail Party," which is out in a new edition.
Here's a pic of John, Yoko as Mrs. Claus, and Apple artist Mary Hopkin from party.
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