A new feature story by yours truly and other good stuff.
Beatlefan #260 takes a deep dive into Paul McCartney’s career as a singles artist, with Al Sussman providing a historical overview and Allan Kozinn and Tom Frangione looking at the contents of the recent Macca singles collection. Also in the new issue, I look back at British entertainers who invaded America before The Beatles (including my first screen crush), John Firehammer recounts the Fabs’ many encounters with legendary interviewer David Frost, Jude Southerland Kessler argues The Beatles’ “Help!” film deserves more respect and Rip Rense tackles the “mystery” of who plays drums on “Old Brown Shoe.” Plus, of course, we have the latest news (including Macca’s new film and book, as well as another Ringo tour, and the passing of George's sister Louise), and reviews of recent books and recordings!
For more information on how you can get this issue, or subscribe to Beatlefan, email goodypress@gmail.com or go to beatlefan.com.
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