New Beatlefan Mag

Check out the new issue of Beatlefan for my conversation with reporters Ivor Davis, Larry Kane and Art Schreiber about covering the Beatles' first U.S. tour 60 years ago.


In Beatlefan #269, we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the release of “A Hard Day’s Night” with Bill King looking back at various releases of the film; Bill’s 1980s interview with the film’s producer, the late Walter Shenson, Al Sussman on experiencing The Beatles’ first movie at the cinema; Kathy Urbanic on what the film has meant to fans; and Bruce Spizer on how “AHDN” broke the mold for “jukebox musicals.” We also have John Firehammer talking to some of the reporters who covered The Beatles’ 1964 North American tour; another installment in the look back at the first year of Beatlefan; Tom Frangione’s chat with Geoff Britton, who was Wings’ drummer during the “One Hand Clapping” sessions; an excerpt of Dave Hinchberger’s prologue from Bill King’s new book; and Ivor Davis answering fan questions about The Beatles. Plus, of course, we have the latest news, as well as reviews of recent video, books and recordings!
