The newest issue of Beatlefan is available, featuring contributions from yours truly and more.
Beatlefan #259 has Tom Frangione’s account of his recent interview with Paul McCartney marking the 40th anniversary of “Tug of War.” Also in the new issue are John Firehammer’s look at The Beatles’ rise to national fame in the U.K., Bill King and Wally Podrazik with thoughts on the recently reissued “Revolver” album, Ken Sharp’s interview with Klaus Voormann about designing the “Revolver” cover, a look how The Beatles became a King family tradition, Joseph Boylan’s 20th anniversary look at George Harrison’s final album, David Persails on The Beatles and Nashville, and Rip Rense making the case for an extended “Get Back” series. Plus, of course, we have the latest news, and reviews of recent books and recordings!
A sample issue costs $10 in the U.S. or $14 abroad. U.S. funds only. If you want the latest issue, be sure to specify #259. For more information, email or go to Send to P.O. Box 33515, Decatur GA 30033. A year's subscription in the U.S. costs $40 for six issues or $45 if sent First Class Mail in an envelope. Canadian subscriptions cost $51 per year and for Mexico the cost is $58. International subscriptions to all other countries around the globe are $64 (sent Air Mail). U.S. funds only. CREDIT CARDS AND PAYPAL ACCEPTED ( For credit card orders, you can call 404-713-6432 or e-mail
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