Pieces by yours truly and more in the new issue. Check it out!
Beatlefan #252 has Bruce Spizer and Brad Hundt evaluating the new “Let It Be” box set, while Al Sussman traces the long and winding history of releases from the sessions that wound up producing the album, and Ken Sharp talks with Giles Martin, producer of the new set and its new remix, and Glyn Johns, who assembled the original unissued “Get Back” album.
We also look back 50 years to the beginnings of Paul McCartney’s Wings, with Bruce Spizer tracing the “Wild Life” sessions and John Firehammer looking at how the debut LP from Paul’s new band was received. And, we finish off Al Sussman's look at the music of 1976 and Ken Sharp's chats with some of the people involved in making George Harrison’s “All Things Must Pass.” Plus, of course, we have the latest news (including Ringo’s “Change the World” media blitz), and reviews of new recordings and books.
For more information on how you can get this issue, or subscribe to Beatlefan, email goodypress@gmail.com or go to the relaunched beatlefan.com.
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