It was a half-century ago when the Beatles performed at Convention Hall which was part of the old Civic Center. The date was Wednesday, September 2, 1964. The concert was sponsored by WIBBAGE, Radio 99 and was broadcast live by them. Broadcast Pioneers Hy Lit and Bill Wright was there on behalf of the station.
The station ran a contest during the month before the concert. Several people were selected to meet with the Beatles. One was them was then 11 years old. Her name is Karen Cinelli. She was with us and said a few words. Making introductory remarks was Broadcast Pioneers member Tim Kastner, Digital Media Manager from the Philadelphia Orchestra.It was all about the "Fab Four." The Beatles were in Philadelphia for a WIBG concert fifty years ago this September. That was our topic: The Beatles and their influence, both in music and our culture.
Our MC for the afternoon was Bob Charger, host of "Brunch with the Beatles" heard every Sunday morning on WOGL, 98.1 from 10 am to 12 noon. (Bob also does 7 to 12 midnight daily on WOGL).
Our panel included (in alphabetical order): Frank X. Feller, former WIBG Good Guy & Program Director at WYSP Ryan Fleur, Executive Vice-President of the Philadelphia Orchestra Charlie Gracie, super star rock and roll artist, just back from Europe T. Morgan, veteran rock air personality, currently heard on WMGK Michael Tearson, iconic rock broadcaster, former WMMR Music Director Bill Wright, Sr., legendary WIBG and WPEN air personality extraordinaire
It was a half-century ago when the Beatles performed at Convention Hall which was part of the old Civic Center. The date was Wednesday, September 2, 1964. The concert was sponsored by WIBBAGE, Radio 99 and was broadcast live by them. Broadcast Pioneers Hy Lit and Bill Wright was there on behalf of the station.
The station ran a contest during the month before the concert. Several people were selected to meet with the Beatles. One was them was then 11 years old. Her name is Karen Cinelli. She was with us and said a few words. Making introductory remarks was Broadcast Pioneers member Tim Kastner, Digital Media Manager from the Philadelphia Orchestra.It was all about the "Fab Four." The Beatles were in Philadelphia for a WIBG concert fifty years ago this September. That was our topic: The Beatles and their influence, both in music and our culture.
Our MC for the afternoon was Bob Charger, host of "Brunch with the Beatles" heard every Sunday morning on WOGL, 98.1 from 10 am to 12 noon. (Bob also does 7 to 12 midnight daily on WOGL).
Our panel included (in alphabetical order): Frank X. Feller, former WIBG Good Guy & Program Director at WYSP Ryan Fleur, Executive Vice-President of the Philadelphia Orchestra Charlie Gracie, super star rock and roll artist, just back from Europe T. Morgan, veteran rock air personality, currently heard on WMGK Michael Tearson, iconic rock broadcaster, former WMMR Music Director Bill Wright, Sr., legendary WIBG and WPEN air personality extraordinaire
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