Julian Lennon Discusses New Photo Book and Living with the Legacy of Being John Lennon's Son

The Guardian
has a new interview with Julian Lennon that includes some quite frank discussion about living his the legacy of the Beatles and his dad.


What drives you?

It had always been, “John Lennon’s son, John Lennon’s son”, and I’m going, for f’s sake. I said, what I need to do for me, first and foremost, is to build up a body of work, a foundation that I can stand on, that nobody can take away from me. And I continue to do so. It’s not to show off, it’s just to prove to myself that I can actually do this stuff. I’m not interested in fighting other people’s opinions.

Your last album was Jude in 2022. Do you have any new music projects on the go?

I put a band together at the end of last year and did some rehearsals in Los Angeles, and I was amazed at how great we sounded. The idea was to hit a couple of the American late-night TV shows and the likes of Graham Norton and Jools Holland, but sadly nobody would have me on, so that was a bit of a letdown. I’m not saying I’m leaving music alone but I was heartbroken by that, I still am. 

What do you make of the recent resurgence in interest in the Beatles? I’m thinking of Peter Jackson’s Get Back, the restored Let It Be, Martin Scorsese’s Beatles ’64…

It’s news to me half the time. I’m not part of the inner circle – I never have been. You have to realise that when Dad left, when I was between three and five (it was a bit of a process), it was just mum and me, and we had nothing to do with the Beatles or Dad. I visited him on the odd occasion but we were very much on the outside. I’m thankful that Sean and I get on like a house on fire – we’re best buddies and he tells me what he can, but things are pretty secret on the Beatles front.

That must feel strange even now.

Extraordinarily strange but I’m not upset about it. I’d rather be excited and impressed by what they did and continue to do. As a fan, I’m just as curious as anybody else, although I do find myself going, how is it possible that there’s another Beatles film?

You seem remarkably sanguine. How do you manage it?

I think it was Mum, watching how she handled what she was dealt with love and grace and positivity. I saw that that’s the only way forward. You take the high road, you be the better person and try to learn from all the crap that’s thrown at you. Without question, I’ve had my moments of depression and I still deal with some very serious anxiety on occasion, but the only way is to push yourself through. Wallowing’s no good – been there, done that.
