New Issue of Beatlefan Out Now!

Including some stuff from yours truly. 

From publisher Bill King:

Beatlefan #266 marks 60 years of Beatlemania in the U.S. with Al Sussman looking back at The Beatles’ greatest year, while Mark Lapidos and I offer fan time capsules from 10 years after the Fabs’ arrival in America. 

We also have Ken Sharp’s interviews with Ken Womack (about his Mal Evans book) and producer Giles Martin (on the expanded Red and Blue albums and demixing). 

Also, I continue my look back at Beatlefan’s first year, Rip Rense takes a deep dive on the “new” Beatles song, Ken Orth writes about collecting Beatles “look-alike” album covers, 

Belmo reports on an improved version of the recording of The Beatles live at Stowe School and John Firehammer talks with Laurie Kaye about John Lennon’s final interview. 

Plus, of course, we have the latest news (including Ringo Starr’s plans for a new album) and an extended section of reviews of recent books, video and more! 

For more information on how you can get this issue, or subscribe to Beatlefan, email or go to
