Via the Guardian:
A newly revealed letter from George Harrison’s mum shows that she was similarly horrified.
“Last Wednesday I went to Manchester and I was really disgusted at the way the so-called fans just screamed right through the whole of the Beatles act,” Louise Harrison wrote.
“Nobody with any sense would pay and queue for a ticket just to stand on a seat and scream and not hear one sound from the stage. I was really ashamed I was a female.”
The letter is one of 25 Harrison wrote to teenager Janet Gray, which are being sold at the annual Liverpool Beatles Auction – organised for over 30 years by the Beatles Shop on Mathew Street in Liverpool – which takes place on 26 August.
Harrison was a prolific letter writer, answering thousands of letters sent from fans around the world.
Her letters to Janet, from Crosby, are touchingly intimate and encouraging.
In one reply she addresses issues Janet seems to be having with her own mother. Harrison writes: “I do hope my writing to you is not the cause of any trouble at home. For if so I will definitely not write any more.”
She continues: “Now Janet, I hope you will try and remember that your mum is your best friend, even if you don’t see eye to eye on some issues. Thank God I get on fine with all my 4 children and they with each other
“Anyhow I shall pray that everything will be just fine for you in the very near future. Lots of love Louise Harrison.
“PS I have about 90 letters not opened yet and hundreds opened awaiting replys (sic).”
In another reply in July 1964 she appears to make reference to a minor road accident when George crashed his Jaguar E-type on the New Kings Road in Fulham, London. Fans apparently grabbed broken glass as a souvenir.
Harrison writes: “Dear Janet, this will have to be short. George was home for two days, or rather nights – out all day rehearsing at Blackpool. George was not hurt Thank God in crash.
“Oh I’m surprised at you believing rot about Paul. What on earth makes you believed it, I don’t.
“You seem to be having a good time eh! I want to get away this weekend
“I must close now for shopping. Love Louise Harrison.”
In September 1964, Harrison wrote: “Dear Janet, I’ve been in Surrey 5 weeks.
“George was there 5 days before I came home. He is very thin but OK.
“Glad to hear you have a boyfriend. Hope you pass the GCE OK. I’m so busy I could scream. 3,000 letters to answer at least. So I’ll say cheerio for now.”
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