Featuring a few things from yours truly. Order it direct here.
Beatlefan #255 has Al Sussman’s look back 40 years at the release of the “Tug of War” album, and its place in the McCartney canon. Also in the new issue are Bruce Spizer finishing up his look at The Beatles’ music of January ’69, Wally Podrazik’s thoughts on how “The Beatles: Get Back” was mutually beneficial for Apple Corps and Disney, Ken Sharp’s chat with Apple roadie Kevin Harrington, more from Robert Rodriguez’s conversation with Sir Peter Jackson, Rip Rense on how Jackson took a sad song and made it better, John Firehammer’s recounting of the big changes for The Beatles 60 years ago, Kathy Urbanic on the women in Beatles songs, and a Beatles crossword puzzle. Plus, of course, we have the latest news (including Macca’s tour plans), and reviews of new recordings and books, including Ringo’s “Lifted.”
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