Artifacts: John Lennon — Stephen Verona THREE ANIMATION CELS FROM "SHE SAID SO / I FEEL FINE," 1966

Via Sotheby's.

While working as a commercial director in England in 1966, artist and filmmaker Stephen Verona met John Lennon, and suggested pairing a Beatles' song with an animated short film. This resulted in the two-and-a-half minute film "She Said So / I Feel Fine" comprising 240 animation cels. Present here are cels numbered 213, 170, and 87, which state "She's" "So" "Glad" (respectively).
Many consider this collaboration to be the world's first music video. The original print of the film is now part of the archive of the Library of Congress. This endeavor was a milestone in the history of the music video, as well as an important step in the Beatles' use of film as a promotional tool.
