Rolling Stone counts down six "out-of-print" Beatles releases

The Beatles and the countdown - two great things that go great together. Just ask Mojo magazine or, erm, Rolling Stone.

This latest example of a piece that pretty much writes itself is pretty random. Six items? Which are all out-of-print? It seems like "still in a vault" might be a better approach. Then you could mention "Carnival Light," the huge-long version of "Helter Skelter," etc.

But here we get an odd assortment of legitimately out-of-print but easy-to-find items such as the Hollywood Bowl concert LP and the "Let it Be" film along with some never-legitimately-been-in-print items such as the "Beatles Sing for Shell" and "Around the Beatles," which both aired as TV specials, and a compilation of all the Beatles' promo films -- something that never existed outside of bootlegs. Odd.
